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Ingredients:: Best Cake Recipe
1pack jelly raspberry
1pack jelly lime
1pack jelly lemon
1pack jelly orange
1pack jell s strawberry
2 1/2 cups cold water
5 cup boiling water
1 cup whipped cream
Procedures: : Best Cake Recipe
Dissolve each packet of jelly-gelatin separately in one cup boiling water.
Now add 1/2 cup cold water to each of them.
Chill raspberry gelatin until very thick.
Smoothly line sides of a 9 inch spring form pan with wax paper.
Cut to extract 3 inches above the pan.
Whip the raspberry gelatin until fluffy.
Now spoon this mixture into the pan.
Chill the pan in the refrigerator until sat but not firm.
Chill, whip and layer the remaining flavors in the pan, letting each layer chill until sat but not firm before adding the next layer.
Chill this pan overnight and loosen around the edges and remove the sides of the pan and paper.
Now take the chipped cream and spread over the top and sides of the cake.
The rainbow cake is ready. : Best Cake Recipe


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