3 eggs
1 cup supply sugar powder
1 cup Dalal sunflower oil
2 1/2 cup patent flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp, sodium bicarbonate
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp. cardamom powder
1 cup coarse chopped walnuts
For coating
1: 5 pieces cream cheese
(18g) 1 can sweetened condensed milk
(90g) For coating
2: Toffee sauce
Combine flour with baking powder, bicarbonate and cardamom.
Blend eggs with sugar by electric blender for 10 minutes or get white colour, add oil continue mixing for 2 minutes, add alternately the flour mix-ture andbuttermilk, mix continuously for 2 minutes till homogeneous.
Add walnuts to the 'previous mixture, pour into greased muffins mould, bake in hot oven at 180°C for 35 to 45 min-utes till well baked.
For coating, combine cream cheese with condensed milk in electric blender, pour over 1/2 quantity cake, put in oven for 5 mm., coat the remain-ing cake with toffee sauce, garnish with walnuts.
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